English Language Exam

English Tense Test for 5th Grade (100 Marks – 50 Questions)

Part A – Simple Present Tense (20 marks)


What is the correct form of the verb in this sentence: “She ___ to the park every Sunday.” (go/goes)
Fill in the blank: “They usually ___ (play/plays) soccer after school.”
Complete the sentence: “He ___ (like/likes) ice cream.”
Choose the right form of the verb: “My mom ___ (cook/cooks) dinner every night.”
What is the negative form of “I eat pizza”? (“I don’t eat pizza” or “I doesn’t eat pizza”)
What is the question form of “She dances beautifully.”? (“Does she dance beautifully?” or “She does dance beautifully?”)
Complete the sentence: “The sun ___ (rise/rises) in the east.”
Choose the correct form of the verb: “Cats ___ (like/likes) to chase mice.”
Which sentence is in the simple present tense: “I am running” or “I run”?
Fill in the blank: “He ___ (watch/watches) TV in the evening.”


Part B – Simple Past Tense (20 marks)

What is the past tense of “play”? (“played” or “play”)
Fill in the blank: “She ___ (visit/visited) her grandparents last summer.”
Complete the sentence: “We ___ (eat/ate) lunch at 12 o’clock.”
What is the negative form of “He watched the movie”? (“He didn’t watch the movie” or “He doesn’t watch the movie”)
What is the question form of “She danced beautifully.”? (“Did she dance beautifully?” or “She did dance beautifully?”)
Complete the sentence: “They ___ (sing/sang) a song at the concert.”
Choose the correct form of the verb: “He ___ (read/reads) a book yesterday.”
Which sentence is in the simple past tense: “I am reading a book” or “I read a book”?
Fill in the blank: “I ___ (meet/met) my friend at the park.”
What is the past tense of “take”? (“took” or “take”)

Part C – Present Continuous Tense (20 marks)


What is the present continuous tense of “play”? (“playing” or “played”)
Fill in the blank: “She ___ (swim/swimming) in the pool now.”
Complete the sentence: “We ___ (watch/watching) a movie tonight.”
What is the negative form of “They are playing soccer”? (“They aren’t playing soccer” or “They doesn’t play soccer”)
What is the question form of “She is eating ice cream.”? (“Is she eating ice cream?” or “She is eating ice cream?”)
Complete the sentence: “The kids ___ (run/running) in the park.”
Choose the correct form of the verb: “I ___ (read/reading) a book right now.”
Which sentence is in the present continuous tense: “I read books” or “I am reading a book”?
Fill in the blank: “He ___ (cook/cooking) dinner for his family.”
What is the present continuous tense of “write”? (“writing” or “wrote”)

Part D – Mixed Tenses (40 marks)


What is the simple present tense of “have”? (“have” or “has”)
Fill in the blank: “She ___ (write/writes) a letter every week.”
Complete the sentence: “They ___ (be/are) going to the zoo tomorrow.”
What is the past tense of “think”? (“thought” or “thinked”)
What is the present continuous tense of “study”? (“studying” or “studied”)
What is the question form of “They have a cat.”? (“Do they have a cat?” or “They do have a cat?”)
Complete the sentence: “He ___ (play/played) soccer yesterday.”
What is the negative form of “She is singing a song.”? (“She isn’t singing a song” or “She not singing a song”)
What is the past tense of “come”? (“came” or “come”)
What is the simple present tense of “read”? (“read” or “reads”)

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