WSET Level 1 Awards in Wines – How to Store and Serve Wine

How to Store and Serve with WSET Level 1 Awards in Wines

wset level 1 awards in winesIntroduction:

Welcome to The Green Institute’s blog, where we delve into the fascinating world of wines. In this article, we will guide you through the essential steps of storing and serving wine, an integral part of the WSET Level 1 Awards in Wines. Whether you’re a wine enthusiast or a hospitality professional, understanding the proper techniques for wine storage and service is crucial for preserving its quality and enhancing your overall wine experience. Join us as we unlock the secrets to storing and serving wine with expertise gained from the WSET Level 1 program.


The Importance of Proper Wine Storage:


Proper wine storage plays a vital role in maintaining the quality and longevity of your cherished bottles. Here are some key tips to consider:


Temperature: Wine should be stored in a cool, consistent environment with a temperature range between 11°C and 14°C (52°F and 57°F). Avoid extreme temperature fluctuations, as they can damage the wine.

Humidity: Aim for a humidity level of 50-80% to prevent the corks from drying out. This helps maintain a proper seal and prevents oxidation.

Light: Protect wine from direct sunlight and UV rays, as they can degrade the wine and cause premature aging. Store wine in a dark or dimly lit area.

Position: Store wine bottles horizontally to keep the cork moist, ensuring a tight seal and preventing air from entering the bottle.


Mastering the Art of Wine Service:


Proper wine service enhances the sensory experience and brings out the best in each bottle. Here are some essential tips to serve wine like a professional:

Temperature: Serve white wines chilled between 8°C and 12°C (46°F and 54°F) and red wines at a slightly cooler room temperature, around 15°C to 18°C (59°F to 64°F). Adjust accordingly based on personal preference.

Glassware: Use appropriate glassware to enhance the aromas and flavors. For red wines, choose larger, wider glasses, while white wines are best served in smaller, narrower glasses.

Decanting: Consider decanting certain red wines to allow them to breathe and release their aromas. This is particularly beneficial for older or full-bodied wines with sediment.

Presentation: Pour wine at the table, holding the bottle by the base or the lower part of the neck. Avoid touching the rim or inside of the glass with your fingers to maintain cleanliness and prevent smudging.

Serving Quantity: Generally, pour around 150-180ml (5-6 ounces) of wine per serving. This allows room for swirling and appreciating the aromas.


Elevate Your Wine Knowledge with WSET:

The WSET Level 1 Awards in Wines course at The Green Institute equips you with the knowledge and skills needed to store and serve wine with confidence. By mastering the art of wine storage and service, you enhance the enjoyment of every bottle and create memorable experiences for yourself and your guests.

Connect with The Green Institute:

To learn more about the WSET Level 1 Awards in Wines and other wine-related courses offered by The Green Institute, visit our website at Stay connected with us on social media to receive updates, expert tips, and captivating wine content.


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